Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitation
Hells HeadbangersTrack listing:
01. Flayed Ecclessian Sophistry
02. Lips of Plasma Vomiting Sanctimonious Pyx
03. Scorching The Monad Firmament
04. Conjugal Orgy in the Sacred Heart of Vespers
05. Fumugating Portentious Sacriligium
06. Priory Darkness of Choral Flesh
07. Cauterizing Unholy Lesions
08. Pontifical Undulations of Blasphemic Gesticulation
09. Burning Vestal Apocrypha
10. Fratricide In The Holy House of God
11. Depraved Machinations
12. Sacreligious Desecration In Excelsis
13. Echoes Of Pestilential Synod
There is in fact a great deal of ululating and palpitating going on with PROSANCTUS INFERI's "Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitation". Pandemonium reigns and the listener's heart rate is sure to race at dangerous speeds as this 13-track collection of chaotically cacophonous war/black/death metal swoops in and dive bombs every last sign of life in your vicinity. The question is one of appeal and to whom? According to Hells Headbangers, the album is made specifically for "die-hard fans of early ANGELCORPSE, NECROVORE, RITES OF THY DEGRINGOLADE, and BESTIAL WARLUST," a comparison that is relatively accurate, save for one glaring exception; the impact of the songs falls well short of that achieved by the aforementioned legends of the underground.
As a blanketing experience in sensory overload and Christ-crush hammering, "Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitation" succeeds, doing so with conviction and offering a proud tribute to late drummer Antichristus. The riffs, rhythms, and nearly inaudible vocals blur into a swarm of killer-bee proportions. The tracks are short, often less than two minutes; the obvious intent one of quick-striking murder and mayhem. For those reasons, it never reaches the Land of Suck and Honey and would work just fine when complete annihilation is necessary and musical fuck-arounds anathema.
Beyond that "Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitation" is a rather average release and one that would quickly get lost in the shuffle placed amongst any number of stouter Hells Headbangers releases. Here again, a purchase recommendation can only be made for the diehards.